Miku Hatsune's first birthday was today (or 17th if you go by the age they made her from the start), I felt weird because it's technically not the 31st here yet, but since it's almost officially, and Japan is hours and hours ahead of me, I had to post something here. So for Miku's birthday I present to you a small gallery of Miku pix and a couple cute videos I found last night.

happy birtdhay miku. ^^;
some of the pics posted are very nice, right click save.
Miku is win!!!
miku, miku, miku, miku.
miku love everywhere. ^^
It's been a year already? Gosh time flies...
Happy Birthday to Miku~
HBD miku-chan ^^
Happy B-Day Miku...though im a bit late lol. I saw a lot of people post about this...but not I -_-
Happy B-Day Miku...though im a bit late lol. I saw a lot of people post about this...but not I -_-
Happy Birthday Miku~!
What is up with that driving video? ^^; So strange
Happy belated birthday, Miku-chan!
Thanks for the pics, Persocom-san!
*saves some images*
Happy belated Birthday!! Yeah I am mad late also lol. Nice post Persocom.
happy birthday miku love you,love your songs your the best.(miku #1)
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