So, I wracked my brain last night thinking about what I would blog about next, here it is... I will give somewhat of a scenario here...
Assume you are living free to spend whatever you like, and live in your dream home...
Now you need to find someone to watch over your home... This raises the question... Which will you choose?
*A human or a Persocom? And what ideals affect your decision?
I myself would choose a persocom... main reason... TRUST... Persocom's will only do what you program them to do...
Now... what do you decide??
*For those who are not familiar with the anime, the persocom is Chii from "Chobits"*
Human for sure. Being the leftist, godless, feminist that I am, I always found persocoms to be sexist male fantasies (god I hated chobits), and for that reason alone, I'll take a human, stupid and untrustworthy as they may be =P
Im with snark on this one, I always thought it was creepy in chobits when he was getting hit on by ROBOTS.
BUT, its not like im having a romantic relationship with said maid, so a persocom might be nice...
Then again, I agree with snark compleltly
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