Lately I've been listening to a lot of Mami Kawada. Perhaps because I just finished watching Shakugan no Shana II recently in anticipation of the coming new season, or because I've gotten sucked into To Aru Majutsu no Index. Either way, I love her music style. Ever since I first heard her song in Hayate no Gotoku I've loved her music. I didn't know who she was at first though, because I had her confused with Kotoko. The reason being they often do songs in the same anime. They also make music for eroge together as part of I've Sound. It's really a shame that there aren't an abundance of pictures of miss Kawada to share with you, but I managed to get a few from last.fm, as well as these single album covers. Check out some of her PV's from anime OP and ED songs that I like. I can also highly recommend all the anime mentioned here. Enjoy!

PSI - Missing, the first opening song to To Aru Majutsu no Index.

Masterpiece, the second opening song from To Aru Majutsu no Index.
Hishoku no sora, from Shakugan no Shana.

Joint, opening from Shakugan no Shana II.
Get My Way!, second ending from Hayate no Gotoku.

Mami Kawada's official site is here: http://mami-kawada.jp/
Don't know much about the artist but I loved Joint ^^
I love Mami Kawada's songs! I don't know when I started to like her songs, but must've been from Starship Operators opening, Radiance. Then Shana and now Index. Joint is definitely one of her best, but PSI-Missing is as good as Joint. I usually have to get used to her songs for a while before I like it though. Like I still don't care much for Masterpiece yet...
Ah, I don't know much about this singer. You sure have tons of info about her, though!
My favourite at the moment is Nana Mizuki. Her second song in the White Album single is win!
Ah, Mami Kawada :D I quite like her songs, but I realize that I don't know much about her in person... xD
Listening the ED single of Onegai Teacher started it all. Then afterwards it was Shana then Hayate.
I guess in most series where she sings the ED and KOTOKO sings the OP and vice-versa makes her a bit hit for me. ^^
Oooh I realized I should've posted Radiance since you didn't have it posted: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hTryvTlkUvA
Really good song ^^
Mami is pretty good but my new fave is Scandal. Check them out http://japansugoi.com/wordpress/scandals-new-single-doll-rocks/
I like her SnS first OP, Hishoku no sora. You do seem to know a lot about her, and didnt know that she has music for eroges just like KOTOKO. Very interesting~
i LOVEE Mami Kawada ever since i heard 'Get my way!', even though it wasn't her best song, but i still favor it until now.
she's improved alot since her debut and makes me love her even more =3
Ohh, I start to love Mami Kawada songs when I first heard the Hishoku no sora, when I watch the Shakugan no shana 1... Mami rox!!!
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