So my wife and I went to Barnes & Noble a few days ago and picked up some manga and they just happened to have one copy of the Chobits art book so I had to pick that up too. As we were arriving there by bus, a storm came in and we got caught out in it on the way home, cuz we missed the last bus going to our side of town and had to walk a nice distance. Luckily a neighbor of ours happened to be at a store that we stopped in to get out of the rain and was kind enough to offer us a ride the rest of the way home ^^

If you're wondering about Sgt Frog, it's for me to read to my son while he looks at the pictures, until some day he can read it all on his own. He's recently taking a liking to Keroro after watching a few episodes of the anime, and even I can't help but randomly say kero-kero-kero-kero from time to time now. XD

If you're wondering about Sgt Frog, it's for me to read to my son while he looks at the pictures, until some day he can read it all on his own. He's recently taking a liking to Keroro after watching a few episodes of the anime, and even I can't help but randomly say kero-kero-kero-kero from time to time now. XD